“Tyeptringorm en” Código de respuesta

Tyeptringorm en

.where("user.name IN (:...names)", { names: [ "Timber", "Cristal", "Lina" ] })
Drab Dormouse

tormenta de tormenta

import {
} from 'typeorm'

import { IUsers } from '@interfaces/interface.users'
import { Roles } from '@models/model.roles'
import { Bcrypt } from '@libs/lib.bcrypt'

* old style writing model schema using typeorm by default, if you check documentation

export class Users implements IUsers {
  @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: 'integer', unsigned: true })
  id!: number

  @Column({ name: 'last_name', type: 'varchar', nullable: false })
  name!: string

  @Column({ type: 'varchar', unique: true, nullable: false })
  email!: string

  @Column({ type: 'varchar', unique: true, unsigned: true, nullable: false })
  phone!: string

  @Column({ type: 'varchar', nullable: false })
  password!: string

  @CreateDateColumn({ name: 'created_at', type: 'timestamp', default: new Date() })
  createdAt?: Date

  @UpdateDateColumn({ name: 'updated_at', type: 'timestamp', default: new Date() })
  updatedAt?: Date

  @DeleteDateColumn({ name: 'deleted_at', type: 'timestamp', nullable: true })
  deletedAt?: Date

  protected beforeInserthashPassword() {
    this.password = Bcrypt.hashPassword(this.password)

  protected beforeUpdateHashPassword() {
    this.password = Bcrypt.hashPassword(this.password)

  @ManyToOne(() => Roles, (relation) => relation.users, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' })
  @JoinColumn({ name: 'role_id' })
  role: Roles

* my style writing model schema using typeorm, easy to maintance and easy to read

class DatabaseRelations {
  @ManyToOne(() => Roles, (relation) => relation.users, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' })
  @JoinColumn({ name: 'role_id' })
  role: Roles

class DatabaseSchema extends DatabaseRelations {
  @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: 'integer', unsigned: true })
  id!: number

  @Column({ name: 'last_name', type: 'varchar', nullable: false })
  name!: string

  @Column({ type: 'varchar', unique: true, nullable: false })
  email!: string

  @Column({ type: 'varchar', unique: true, unsigned: true, nullable: false })
  phone!: string

  @Column({ type: 'varchar', nullable: false })
  password!: string

  @CreateDateColumn({ name: 'created_at', type: 'timestamp', default: new Date() })
  createdAt?: Date

  @UpdateDateColumn({ name: 'updated_at', type: 'timestamp', default: new Date() })
  updatedAt?: Date

  @DeleteDateColumn({ name: 'deleted_at', type: 'timestamp', nullable: true })
  deletedAt?: Date

class DatabaseHooks extends DatabaseSchema {
  protected beforeInserthashPassword() {
    this.password = Bcrypt.hashPassword(this.password)

  protected beforeUpdateHashPassword() {
    this.password = Bcrypt.hashPassword(this.password)

export class Users extends DatabaseHooks implements IUsers {}
Restu Wahyu Saputra

typingorm tosql

const sql = connection.createQueryBuilder()
    .from(User, "user")
    .where("user.id = :id", { id: 1 })

donde en typingorm

		const getAllProjectTelmarNotNull: Projects[] = await this.projectModel
				.where('projects.telemarketing_id NOTNULL')
				.andWhere('projects.latest_status = :latest_status', { latest_status: 'NEW' })
				.andWhere('projects.telemarketing_id IN (:...telemarketing_id)', { telemarketing_id: telemarketings })
Restu Wahyu Saputra

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