crear un número aleatorio de 4 dígitos JS
var val = Math.floor(1000 + Math.random() * 9000);
Nikita Gourevitch
var val = Math.floor(1000 + Math.random() * 9000);
var min = 10000;
var max = 90000;
var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * min)) + max;
here you can increse the min and max value this is for 5 digits
or this
Math.floor(Math.random()*90000) + 10000;
Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 900000);
console.log(Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 900000));
var seq = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) + 10000).toString().substring(1);