JavaScript obtenga el último personaje en cadena
var hello = "Hello World";
var lastCharOfHello=hello.slice(-1);//d
var hello = "Hello World";
var lastCharOfHello=hello.slice(-1);//d
// Get the last word of a string.
let str = "What I hate most in the world is fanaticism.";
// 1) The slice() method: without Considering the punctuation marks
str.slice(str.lastIndexOf(' ')); // => 'fanaticism.'
// 2) the spit() method():
let arr = str.split(' ');
arr[arr.length - 1]; // => 'fanaticism.'
// Considering the punctuation marks at the end of the string
str.match(/\b(\w+)\W*$/)[1]; // => 'fanaticism'
// strips all punctuation and returns the last word of a string
// hyphens (-) aren't stripped, add the hyphen to the regex to strip it as well
function lastWord(words) {
let n = words.replace(/[\[\]?.,\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\\|_~()]/g, "").split(" ");
return n[n.length - 1];