JavaScript reemplazar
var res = str.replace("find", "replace");
Friendly Hawk
var res = str.replace("find", "replace");
//Replace the first match in a string
//If you wish to replace all matches, use the replaceAll() method.
var str = "JavaScript replace method test";
var res = str.replace("test", "success");
//res = Javscript replace method success
let string = 'soandso, my name is soandso';
let replaced = string.replace(/soandso/gi, 'Dylan');
console.log(replaced); //Dylan, my name is Dylan
var str = "Please locate where 'locate' occurs!";
str.replace("locate", "W3Schools"); //replace only replace first match from string
str.replace(/LOCATE/i, "W3Schools"); // i makes it case insensitive
str.replace(/LOCATE/g, "W3Schools"); // g replace all matches from string rather than replacing only first
var frase = "Son tres mil trescientos treinta y tres con nueve";
frase = frase.replace("tres","dos");
//Son dos mil trescientos treinta y tres con nueve