Código fuente de Discord Music Bot JS

 npm install discord-misic-system --save

//type npm install discord.js --save

//type node .

//see your music bot is ready :] enjoy I LOVE MY INDIA

const MusicBot = require("discord-music-system"); // Require the module


const bot = new MusicBot({ // Create the bot

    token: ("type you bot token here"), // You can find the token at https://discord.com/developers/applications/

    ytApiKey: ("Your Youtube api here"), // Video to explain how to get it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqML5F8hcRQ

    prefix: 'in$', // Example: /

    game: 'sanikava `in$`' // Example: /help



bot.run(); // Run the bot

Energetic Earthworm