Relaciones de descanso de datos de primavera

/*when working with relationships in spring data rest it's supper easy if you 
understand whats happening for example:
let's say we have an Entity Student*/
public class Student{
	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
 	private long id;
 	private set<Course> coursesList;

public class Courses{
	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private long id;
    private set<Student> studentList;
/* this means that a new url will be generated by spring data rest
/student/coursesList and /courses/studentList and with thouse assosiation 
we can start sending POST request to add relationship or PUT request to replace
a relationship /*
/* to add a student to a list of courses you can send a POST request for example
to /courses/{courseID}/studentList/ and this request must have a 
Content-Type:text/uri-list in the header and the body must be a plain text 
containing the student url /student/{id} */
/*hope this explains every thing for you */
Happy Coding (●'◡'●)
Wa7ch Tennin