“Corrector de código Java en línea” Código de respuesta

Corrector de código Java en línea

123456789101112131415161718192021222324import java.util.Scanner;public class LeapYear{    public static void main(String[] args)    {        int lineCounter = 0;    for(int year=101; year <= 2100; year++)    {    if ((year % 4 == 0))    {        System.out.println(year + "");        lineCounter++;    {    if(lineCounter == 10)    }        System.out.println("");        lineCounter = 0;    }    }    }}X
Quaint Quelea

Corrector de código Java en línea

class Test {
	public static void main (String [ ] args){

A a = new A("test");

a.print();//No "public class" found to execute

class A {
String s;

A(String s) {

private void print(){
Nurul Ismat

Corrector de código Java en línea

const int buzzerPin = 9;
void setup
pinmode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
void loop ()
for (int i = 200; i <= 800; i++)
tone (buzzerPin, i);
for (int i = 800; i >=200, i--)
tone (buzzerPin, i);

Corrector de código Java en línea

mplement Method getPercentage that takes two inputs :
grade and totalGrade and outputs the grade percentage
as follows: percentage = (grade/total grade)*100 .
(Assume a student can not get a grade above 100%).
• In the main method use a scanner object to read the grade
and total grade from a text file then pass them to the
getPercentage method.
• The getPercentage method should through:
1. An IllegalArgumentException that is handled by its
caller in case If grade or total grade is a negative
2. An ArithmeticException that is handled by its caller
in case If total grade is zero (division by zero)
Uptight Unicorn

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