Cómo hacer un menú desplegable en el foro OSU


The [box] tag is used to hide text and images inside of a clickable hyperlink. Upon clicking, the contents inside will be revealed in a similar fashion to a dropdown menu.

The custom hyperlink text is denoted by the NAME argument. Specifying this argument will create a heading text inside the box using that argument, and will adjust the size of the box accordingly. If left unspecified, the [box] tag will create a box with no heading text inside by default (which cannot be clicked on). The argument does not use quotations marks ("), and will render whitespace.

The tag is most commonly used to hide large walls of text and images that may bloat up the size of a forum post. Most notably in FAQ or skin release posts.

Note: the BBCode box's toolbar button is called a "spoiler box", but does not create a [spoilerbox] tag.
Fellow osu! gamer (profile in desc)