“Cómo cambiar el color del texto del párrafo a naranja - CSS” Código de respuesta

Cómo cambiar el color del texto del párrafo a naranja - CSS

  color: #FFA500;

/*In the Html sheet, your paragraph should have the class 'class', or what ever
you want to call it(you can change 'class' to what you want). Just make sure 
the name is exactly the sameas what you type in css.*/

/*The same can be done by adding 'orange' instead of the hex - #FFA500.*/

/*This is how the html would look
<p class = "class">Orange</p>*/
Blushing Beetle

Cómo cambiar el color del texto del párrafo a naranja - CSS

  color: orange;
Blushing Beetle

Cómo cambiar el color del texto del párrafo a naranja - CSS

  color: #FFA500;
Blushing Beetle

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