“látex de nuevos comandos” Código de respuesta

Newmand de látex


látex de nuevos comandos

\newcommand{\plusbinomial}[3][2]{(#2 + #3)^#1} %we have 3 params, 
% and 2 is the optional value of the 1st param

To save some time when writing too many expressions 
with exponents is by defining a new command to make simpler:

\[ \plusbinomial{x}{y} \]

And even the exponent can be changed

\[ \plusbinomial[4]{y}{y} \] %here we override the optional val of the 1st param with the 4
Jeff Spicoli

látex de nuevos comandos

# Where in the 'commandDefinition', use #1, #2, ... to represent
#	first, second, ... argument

látex de nuevos comandos

If you use a command multiple times create e shortcut, like for example:

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