Macbook Pro lags when dual screen is connected


My mac acts weird sometimes when I connect it to two of my 1080p screens. The computer will become extremely lagging to the point where it becomes unusable. Things will recover once I unplug either one screen or both screens. (My MBP's screen is closed, power plugged in.)

I didn't have these issues before, therefore my guess is that there is no hardware compatibility issue. However, I think that my gfx should also be adequate to support two 1080p screens.

Does anyone have any idea what could be happening?

Specs: Macbook Pro, 15 inch (Mid 2014) 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2 GB

** I have been monitoring my RAM and CPU usage through Activity Monitor when these lag moments happen and they were barely utilised.

** También ejecuté una prueba de hardware de Apple pero no se encontraron problemas.

Suena como un problema de GPU.
Melvin Jefferson
Mismos sentimientos, ¿se está muriendo la carta? De todos modos para probarlo?



Try a different HDMI cable. Not all HDMI cables work well with Macs. Make sure that you get one of a decent quality, those are usually better.

Melvin Jefferson
Tried this but didn't work though... Fan speed increases, lags as usual. I am suspecting a sensor issue.
Hmm, possibly. What are the monitors?
Melvin Jefferson
It's a small 22-inch samsung and 23 inch dell monitor. I do not have the model numbers on hand.
We will need those model numbers for support purposes. Take your time with it, but once you get them, let us know.
Melvin Jefferson